

简介:   We are pleased to announce the 2021 Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics at the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, China. The symposium is jointly organized by WISE of Xiamen University, the Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR) of Jinan University, the Department of Economics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the School of Economics of Zhejiang University. We invite submissions from all areas related to labor economics. Empirical research on or theoretical work with empirical applications to the Chinese labor market is particularly welcome.         
时间: November 13-14 (Sat-Sun), 2021
地点: Economics Building, Xiamen University
主办单位: Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University; Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR), Jinan University; Department of Economics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; School of Economics, Zhejiang University
承办单位: WISE, Xiamen University
类型: 学术会议
联系人信息: 陈丽纯 Email: violetchen@xmu.edu.cn
会议语言: English
专题网址: https://conf.xmu.edu.cn/labor/index.htm