

主讲人: 范剑青
主讲人简介: 范剑青教授是美国普林斯顿大学终身教授,Frederick L. Moore'18冠名金融讲座教授,运筹与金融工程系教授和前任系主任,国际数理统计学会前主席。他荣获2000年度的COPSS总统奖,2007年荣获“晨兴华人数学家大会应用数学金奖”, 2013年获泛华统计学会的“许宝騄奖”,2014年荣获英国皇家统计学会的“Guy奖”的银质奖章,2018年美国统计学会的Noether高级学者奖。此外,他还是美国科学促进会(AAAS)、美国统计学会(ASA)、国际数理统计学会(IMS)、计量金融学会(SOFIE)会士,以及国际顶尖统计期刊Annals of Statistics、Probability Theory and Related Fields、及Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics前主编等。他的主要研究领域包括高维统计、机器学习、计量金融、时间序列、非参数建模,并在这些领域著有4本专著。
主持人: 方颖
简介: This talk focuses on how to use statistical machine learning techniques and big data to solve problems in finance and economics. It begins with an overview on the genesis of machine learning and AI and how statistical and computational methods have evolved with growing dimensionality and sample sizes and become the foundation of modern machine learning and AI. It introduces simple yet power techniques to deal with heavy tailness and dependence that stylize financial data. We showcase the applications in high frequency trading and sentiment learning from Chinese financial textual data.   We present the predictability in ultra high-frequency finance, with focus on returns and durations. Based on 101 stocks in the S\&P 100 index over 505 days, we quantified and documented the predictability and confirmed that it exists universally. We unveil important predictors and showed how the predictability depends on the market environments and stock characteristics and the timeliness of data.    For Chinese text analysis, we introduce FarmPredict to let machines learn financial returns directly. Based on approximately 2 million pieces of news, we show that positive sentiments scored by our FarmPredict approach generate on average 83 bps daily excess returns, while negative news has an adverse impact of 26 bps on the days of news announcements. This asymmetric effect aligns well with the short-sale constraints in the Chinese equity market. This lends further support that our FarmPredict can learn the sentiments embedded in financial news.
时间: 2022-11-11 (Friday) 10:00-11:30
地点: 经济楼N302
期数: 厦门大学群贤学科学术讲座
主办单位: 厦门大学经济学院、王亚南经济研究院、邹至庄经济研究院
类型: 独立讲座
联系人信息: 许老师,电话:0592-2182991,邮箱:ysxu@xmu.edu.cn
语言: 中文