Dr. Liangliang (Lilian) Jiang is an Associate Professor at the School of Accounting & Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Her research interests include banking and financial institutions, corporate finance, accounting and auditing in corporate governance, and economics of regulation and corruption. Her papers are published in the Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Accounting Studies, Management Science, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, and others. Her works and views have been presented in major finance and accounting conferences such as American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting, Western Finance Association (WFA) Annual Meeting, European Finance Association (EFA) Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, MIT Asia conference in Accounting and various conferences held by institutions such as Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and covered by Wall Street Journal (WSJ), VoxEU, National Bureau of Economic Research and World Economic Forum, etc.
Liangliang (Lilian) earns her Bachelor of Economics from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, M.A. in Financial Economics from University of Maine, Orono, and Ph.D. in Economics from University of Florida, Gainesville, U.S.A.