编号 | 论文标题 | 期刊 | 作者 | 年 | SSCI | SCI | EI |
1 | Business Cycle Asymmetry in China: Evidence from Friedman’s Plucking Model | China & World Economy | Tingguo Zheng, Yujuan Teng, Tao Song | 2010 | SSCI |
2 | Characteristic Function-Based Testing for Multifactor Continuous-Time Markov Models Via Nonparametric Regression | Econometric Theory | Bin Chen, Yongmiao Hong | 2010 | SSCI | SCI |
3 | Exploring The Relationship Between Vehicle Safety and Fuel Efficiency in Automotive Design | Transportation Research part D | Chialin Chen, Yu Ren | 2010 | SSCI | SCI |
4 |
| Oxford Handbook On Statistics and Functional Data Analysis |
| 2010 |
5 | Global Economic Activity and Crude Oil Prices: A Cointegration Analysis | Energy Economics | Yanan He, Shouyang Wang, Kin Keung Lai | 2010 | SSCI |
6 | Modeling The Dynamics of Chinese Spot Interest Rates | Journal of Banking & Finance | Yongmiao Hong, Hai Lin, Shouyang Wang | 2010 | SSCI |
7 | The Relationship Between Oil Price Shocks and China's Macro-Economy: An Empirical Analysis | Energy Policy | Limin Du, Yanan He, Chu Wei | 2010 | SSCI | SCI |
8 | A Financial Engineering Approach to Identity Stock Market Bubble | Systems Enigeering Procedia | Guojin Chen, Cheng Yan | 2011 |
9 | A Functional Connectivity Approach for Modeling Cross-Sectional Dependence with An Application to The Estimation of Hedonic Housing Prices in Paris | Advances in Statistical Analysis | Georges Bresson, Cheng Hsiao | 2011 |
| SCI |
10 | Co-Movements of Shanghai and New York Stock Prices by Time-Varying Regressions | Journal of Comparative Economics | Gregory C. Chow, Changjiang Liu, Linlin Niu | 2011 | SSCI |
11 | Comparison of Forecasting Methods with An Application to Predicting Excess Equity Premium | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | Cheng Hsiao, Shui Ki Wan | 2011 |
| SCI |
12 | Detecting Misspecifications in Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models and Non-Negative Time-Series Processes | Journal of Time Series Analysis | Yongmiao Hong, Yoon-Jin Lee | 2011 |
| SCI |
13 | Financial Volatility Forecasting with Range-Based Autoregressive Volatility Model | Finance Research Letters | Hongquan Li, Yongmiao Hong | 2011 | SSCI |
14 | GDP数据修正对经济周期测定的影响 | 统计研究 | 郑挺国, 郭辉铭 | 2011 |
15 | Generalized Spectral Testing for Multivariate Continuous-Time Models | Journal of Econometrics | Bin Chen, Yongmiao Hong | 2011 | SSCI | SCI |
16 | Method of Moments Estimation and Identifiability of Semiparametric Nonlinear Errors-In-Variables Models | Journal of Econometrics | Liqun Wang, Cheng Hsiao | 2011 | SSCI | SCI |
17 | Nonparametric Estimation and Testing of Stochastic Discount Factor | Finance Research Letters | Ying Fang, Yu Ren, Yufei Yuan | 2011 | SSCI |
18 | Tax Benefits of Debts in China | 2nd International Conference On Engineering and Business Management | Dengta Chen, Yiming Wang, Lin, Chunhua Lin | 2011 |
19 | Testing The Structure of Conditional Correlations in Multivariate GARCH Models: A Generalized Cross-Spectrum Approach | International Economic Review | Nadine McCloud, Yongmiao Hong | 2011 | SSCI |
20 | A New Forecasting Model for USD/CNY Exchange Rate | Studies In Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics | Linna Chen, Ying Fang | 2012 | SSCI |
21 | A Panel Data Approach for Program Evaluation — Measuring The Benefits of Political and Economic Integration of Hong Kong with Mainland China | Journal of Applied Econometrics | Cheng Hsiao, H. Steve Ching, Shui Ki Wan | 2012 | SSCI |
22 | An EM Algorithm for Switching Regression with Three Regimes | Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2012 International Conference, 2221 - 2223 (DOI: 10.1109/ICSAI.2012.6223493, | Dengta Chen, Du Yajun | 2012 |
23 | Are Corporate Bond Market Returns Predictable? | Journal of Banking & Finance | Yongmiao Hong, Hai Lin, Chunchi Wu | 2012 | SSCI |
24 | Do Imports Crowd Out Domestic Consumption? A Comparative Study of China,Japan and Korea | China Economic Review | Chuanglian Chen, Guojin Chen, Shujie Yao | 2012 | SSCI |
25 | Does Index Futures Trading Reduce Volatility in The Chinese Stock Market? A Panel Data Evaluation Approach | Journal of Futures Markets | Haiqiang Chen, Qian Han, Yingxing Li, Kai Wu | 2012 | SSCI |
26 | Does Information Vault Niagara Falls? Cross-Listed Trading in New York and Toronto | Journal of Empirical Finance | Haiqiang Chen, M.S. Choi | 2012 | SSCI |
27 | Estimating Forward-Looking Rules for China's Monetary Policy: A Regime-Switching Perspective | China Economic Review | Tingguo Zheng, Xia Wang, Huiming Guo | 2012 | SSCI |
28 | House Price Bubbles in China | China Economic Review | Yu Ren, Cong Xiong, Yufei Yuan | 2012 | SSCI |
29 | Impact of CEPA on The Labor Market of Hong Kong | China Economic Review | Steve Ching, Cheng Hsiao , Shui Ki Wan | 2012 | SSCI |
30 | Reducing Asymptotic Bias of Weak Instrumental | Statistics & Probability Letters | Ying Fang and Jia Su | 2012 |
| SCI |
31 | Resource Abundance and Economic Growth in China | China Economic Review | Rui Fan, Ying Fang, Sung Y. Park | 2012 | SSCI |
32 | Semiparametric Quantile Regression Estimation in Dynamic Models with Partially Varying Coefficients | Journal of Econometrics | Zhijie Xiao | 2012 | SSCI | SCI |
33 | Term Structure Forecasting: No-Arbitrage Restrictions Versus Large Information Set | Journal of Forecasting | Carlo A. Favero, Linlin Niu and Luca Sala | 2012 | SSCI |
34 | Testing for Smooth Structural Changes in Time Series Models Via Nonparametric Regression | Econometrica | Bin Chen and Yongmiao Hong | 2012 | SSCI | SCI |
35 | Testing for The Markov Property in Time Series | Econometric Theory | Bin Chen, Yongmiao Hong | 2012 | SSCI | SCI |
36 | The Validity of Instruments Revisited | Journal of Econometrics | Daniel Berkowitz, Mehmet Caner, Ying Fang | 2012 | SSCI | SCI |
37 | Theory and Applications of TAR Model with Two Threshold Variables | Econometric Reviews | Haiqiang Chen, Terence Tai-Leung Chong, Jushan Bai | 2012 | SSCI | SCI |
38 | Weak Instrumental Variables Models for Longitudinal Data | Econometric Reviews | Ying Fang and Henong Li | 2012 | SSCI | SCI |
39 | A Local Vector Autoregressive Framework and Its Applications to Multivariate Time Series Monitoring and Forecasting | Statistics and Its Interface | Ying Chen, Bo Li, Linlin Niu | 2013 |
| SCI |
40 | A Loss Function Approach to Model Specification Testing and Its Relative Efficiency | Annals of Statistics | Yoonjin Lee and Yongmiao Hong | 2013 |
| SCI |
41 | A Tale of Two Index Futures: The Intraday Price Discovery and Volatility Transmission Processes Between The China Financial Futures Exchange and The Singapore Exchange | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade | Biao Guo, Qian Han, Maonan Liu and Doojin Ryu | 2013 | SSCI |
42 | Estimating A Small Open Economy DSGE Model with Indeterminacy: Evidence from China | Economic Modelling | Zheng Tingguo, Guo Huiming | 2013 | SSCI |
43 | Forecasting A Long Memory Process Subject to Structural Breaks | Journal of Econometrics | Cindy Shin-Huei Wang, Luc Bauwens, Cheng Hsiao | 2013 | SSCI | SCI |
44 | How Smooth Is Price Discovery? Evidence from Cross-Listed Stock Trading | Journal of International Money and Finance | Haiqiang Chen, Paul Moon Sub Choi, Yongmiao Hong | 2013 | SSCI |
45 | Improvement in Finite-Sample Properties of GMM-Based Wald Tests | Computational Statistics | Qihui Chen, Yu Ren | 2013 |
| SCI |
46 | Is The KOSPI 200 Options Market Efficient? Parametric and Nonparametric Tests of The Martingale Restriction | Journal of Futures Markets | Biao Guo, Qian Han, Doojin Ryu | 2013 | SSCI |
47 | Productivity Spillovers Among Linked Sectors | China Economic Review | Ling Peng, Yongmiao Hong | 2013 | SSCI |
48 | Real-Time Monitoring Test for Realized Volatility | Journal of Time Series Econometrics | Cindy Shin-Huei Wang, Cheng Hsiao | 2013 |
49 | Reexaming The Time-Varying Volatility Spillover Effects: A Markov Switching Causality Approach | North American Journal of Economics & Finance | Zheng Tingguo, Zuo Haomiao | 2013 | SSCI |
50 | Specification Tests of Habit Formation | Applied Economics Letters | Peng Liu, Yu Ren | 2013 | SSCI |
51 | The Effects of Electricity Reforms on Productivity and Efficiency of China's Fossil-Fired Power Plants: An Empirical Analysis | Energy Economics | Limin Du, Yanan He, Jianye Yan | 2013 | SSCI |
52 | A Principal Component Approach to Measuring Investor Sentiment in China | Quantitative Finance | Haiqiang Chen, Terence Tai Leung Chong, Yingni She | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
53 | A Realized Stochastic Volatility Model with Box-Cox Transformation | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | Zheng Tingguo, Song Tao | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
54 | A Simple Spatial Dependence Test Robust To Local and Distributional Misspecifications | Economics Letters | Ying Fang, Sung Y. Park, Jinfeng Zhang | 2014 | SSCI |
55 | A Unified Approach to Validating Univariate and Multivariate Conditional Distribution Models in Time Series | Journal of Econometrics | Bin Chen, Yongmiao Hong | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
56 | Adaptive Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model with Applications | Journal of Econometrics | Ying Chen, Linlin Niu | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
57 | An Extensive Study on Markov Switching Models with Endogenous Regressors | Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics | Xia Wang, Yuhuang Shang, Tingguo Zheng | 2014 | SSCI |
58 | Human Capital, Household Capital and Asset Returns | Journal of Banking & Finance | Yu Ren, Yufei Yuan, Yang Zhang | 2014 | SSCI |
59 | Is There An Optimal Forecast Combination? | Journal of Econometrics | Cheng Hsiao, Shui Ki Wan | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
60 | Money-output Granger causal dynamics in China | Economic Modelling | Wang, Xia, Zheng, Tingguo, Zhu, Yanli | 2014 | SSCI |
61 | Panel Macroeconometric Modeling | Advances in Econometrics | Cheng Hsiao | 2014 |
62 | Predictive Regressions for Macroeconomic Data | Annals of Applied Statistics | Fukang Zhu, Liang Peng | 2014 |
| SCI |
63 | Recent Macroeconomic Stability in China | China Economic Review | Qing He, Haiqiang Chen | 2014 | SSCI |
64 | Robust Estimation and Inference for Threshold Models with Integrated Regressors | Econometric Theory | Haiqiang Chen | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
65 | Selection of Mixed Copula Model via Penalized Likelihood | Journal of the American Statistical Association | Xian Wang | 2014 |
| SCI |
66 | Synchronous Price Discovery of Cross-listings | Management Science and Financial Engineering | Haiqiang Chen, Moon Sub Choi | 2014 |
67 | Testing Predictive Regression Models with Nonstationary Regressors | Journal of Econometrics | Yunfei Wang | 2014 | SSCI | SCI |
68 | The Nelson–Siegel Model of the Term Structure of Option Implied Volatility and Volatility Components | Journal of Futures Markets | Biao Guo, Qian Han, Bin Zhao | 2014 | SSCI |
69 | Why The Housing Sector Leads The Whole Economy: the Importance of Collateral Constraints and News Shocks | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | Yu Ren, Yufei Yuan | 2014 | SSCI |
70 | A Joint Portmanteau Test for Conditional Mean and Variance Time-Series Models | Journal of Time Series Analysis | Carlos Velasco, Xuexin Wang | 2015 |
| SCI |
71 | A Markov Chain Model for Contagion | Risk | Angelos Dassios, Hongbiao Zhao | 2015 |
72 | A New Semiparametric Test for Superior Predictive Ability | Empirical Economics | Jiancheng Jiang, Jingshuang Zhang, Xibin Zhang | 2015 | SSCI |
73 | A New Test on the Conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model | Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ | Z. Cai, X. Li, Yu Ren | 2015 |
| SCI |
74 | Adolescents, Cognitive Ability, and Minimax Play | Economics Letters | Sen Geng, Yujia Peng, Jason Shachat, Huizhen Zhong | 2015 | SSCI |
75 | Cash-Flow Sensitivities and the Allocation of Internal Cash Flow | Review of Financial Studies | Xin Chang, Sudipto Dasgupta, George Wong, Jiaquan Yao | 2015 | SSCI |
76 | Disentangling The Effects of Multiple Treatments—Measuring The Net Economic Impact of The 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake | Journal of Econometrics | Hiroshi Fujiki, Cheng Hsiao | 2015 | SSCI | SCI |
77 | Forecasting major Asian exchange rates using a new semiparametric STAR model | Empirical Economics | Nan Cai, Ying Fang, Qiuhua Xu | 2015 | SSCI |
78 | Housing Prices in Urban China as Determined by Demand and Supply | Pacific Economic Review | Gregory Chow, Linlin Niu | 2015 | SSCI |
79 | Hybrid Generalized Empirical Likelihood Estimators: Instrument Selection with Adaptive Lasso | Journal of Econometrics | Mehmet Caner, Qingliang Fan | 2015 | SSCI | SCI |
80 | Semiparametric Estimation of Varying-coefficient Dynamic Panel Data Models | Econometric Reviews | Linna Chen, Ying Fang | 2015 | SSCI | SCI |
81 | Smooth Tests of Copula Specifications | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | Juan Lin, Ximing Wu | 2015 | SSCI | SCI |
82 | Volatility Spillover Effect: A Semiparametric Analysis of Non-Cointegrated Process | Econometric Reviews | Yiguo Sun, Cheng Hsiao, Qi Li | 2015 | SSCI | SCI |
83 | A Data-driven Smooth Test of Symmetry | Journal of Econometrics | Ying Fang, Qi Li, Ximing Wu, Daiqiang Zhang | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
84 | A General Approach to Conditional Moment Specification Testing with Projections | Econometric Reviews | Xuexin Wang | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
85 | A Semiparametric Conditional Capital Asset Pricing Model | Journal of Banking and Finance | Z. Cai, Yu Ren, B. Yang | Forthcoming | SSCI |
86 | An empirical study on the threshold cointegration of Chinese A and H cross-listed shares | Journal of Applied Statistics | Haiqiang Chen, Yanli Zhu | Forthcoming |
| SCI |
87 | Decision time, consideration time, and status quo bias | Economic Inquiry | Sen Geng | Forthcoming | SSCI |
88 | Estimation and Inference for Varying-coefficient Models with Nonstationary Regressors using Penalized Splines | Econometric Theory | Haiqiang Chen, Ying Fang, Yingxing Li | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
89 | Evaluating the Effectiveness of China's Financial Reform-The Efficiency of China's Domestic Banks | China Economic Review | Cheng Hsiao, Yan Shen, Wenlong Bian | Forthcoming | SSCI |
90 | Generalized ARMA Models with Martingale Difference Errors | Journal of Econometrics | Zheng Tingguo, Xiao Han, Chen Rong | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
91 | How important is a non-default factor for CDS valuation | Journal of Futures Markets | Guo, B., Han,Q., Lee, J., & Ryu, D | Forthcoming | SSCI |
92 | Local Linear Estimation of a Nonparametric Cointegration Model | Econometric Reviews | Liang, Zhongwen; Lin, Zhongjian; Hsiao, Cheng | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
93 | Pricing Kernel Estimation: A Local Estimating Equation Approach | Econometric Theory | Z. Cai, Yu Ren, L. Su | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
94 | Statistical Inference for Panel Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models | Journal of Econometrics | Cheng Hsiao, Qiankun Zhou | Forthcoming | SSCI | SCI |
95 | 机构、个人投资者羊群行为差异研究 | 山西财经大学学报 | 陈国进, 陶可 | 2010 |
96 | 机构投资者是股市暴涨暴跌的助推器吗? -来自上海A股市场的经验证据 | 金融研究 | 陈国进, 张贻军, 刘淳 | 2010 |
97 | 金融危机传染的网络理论研究述评 | 经济学动态 | 陈国进, 马长峰 | 2010 |
98 | 区制转移形式的泰勒规则及其在中国货币政策的应用 | 经济研究 | 郑挺国, 刘金全 | 2010 |
99 | 人民币升值背景下国内消费和国外消费关系研究 | 世界经济 | 陈国进, 陈创练 | 2010 |
100 | 我国个人住房贷款违约风险因素分析 | 投资研究 | 陈国进 | 2010 |
101 | 我国股票市场连续性波动与跳跃性波动实证研究 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 陈国进, 王占海 | 2010 |
| EI |
102 | 中国产出缺口的实时估计及其可靠性研究 | 经济研究 | 郑挺国, 王霞 | 2010 |
103 | 中国城镇居民住房的需求与供给 | 金融研究 | 邹至庄, 牛霖琳 | 2010 |
104 | 中国真实利率的平稳性和区制性:基于马尔科夫区制转换模 | 当代财经 | 陈国进, 颜诚 | 2010 |
105 | 汇率调整之谜:基于产业内贸易的新解释 | 厦门大学学报 | 陈国进, 陈创练, 陈娟 | 2011 |
106 | 机构持股对股价宏观波动的非对称性 | 金融理论与实践 | 陈国进, 陶可 | 2011 |
107 | 机构投资者的拥挤效应和蓝筹股泡沫 | 系统工程 | 陈国进, 陶可 | 2011 |
108 | 考虑投机活动和库存信息冲击的国际原油期货价格短期波动 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 部慧, 何亚男 | 2011 |
| EI |
109 | 空间误差模型的稳健检验 | 数量经济技术经济研究 | 张进峰, 方颖 | 2011 |
110 | 世界经济与国际原油价格:基于Kilian经济指数的协整分析 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 何亚男, 汪寿阳 | 2011 |
| EI |
111 | 泰勒规则的实时分析及我国货币政策的适用性 | 金融研究 | 郑挺国, 王霞 | 2011 |
112 | 我国A股市场与美股、港股的互动关系研究:基于信息溢出视角 | 经济研究 | 李红权, 洪永淼, 汪寿阳 | 2011 |
113 | 我国外汇市场压力研究-基于马尔科夫区制转换方法 | 国际金融研究 | 陈娟, 陈国进等 | 2011 |
114 | 寻找制度的工具变量:估计产权保护对中国经济增长的贡献 | 经济研究 | 方 颖, 赵 扬 | 2011 |
115 | 异质信念、通胀幻觉和我国房地产价格泡沫 | 经济管理 | 陈国进, 刘金娥 | 2011 |
116 | 中国短期利率的随机波动与区制转移性 | 管理科学学报 | 郑挺国, 宋涛 | 2011 |
117 | 中国是否存在“资源诅咒” | 世界经济 | 方颖, 纪衎, 赵扬 | 2011 |
118 | 货币政策规则非对称性及其在我国的检验 | 南方经济 | 郑挺国, 郭辉铭, | 2012 |
119 | 货币政策规则中的非对称性及其在我国的检验 | 南方经济 | 郑挺国, 郭辉铭 | 2012 |
120 | 金融支持科技进步的作用机制研究 | 福建江夏学院学报 | 陈国进, 可钦锋, | 2012 |
121 | 空间滞后模型的稳健检验 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 张进峰, 方颖 | 2012 |
| EI |
122 | 人民币汇率的半参数预测模型 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 陈琳娜, 方颖 | 2012 |
| EI |
123 | 人民币汇率一篮子货币权重的内在形成机制——基于非参数时变系数的估计方法 | 世界经济文汇 | 方颖, 梁芳, 牛霖琳, | 2012 |
124 | 人民币实际汇率决定的动态一般均衡分析 | 当代经济研究 | 孙宁华, 洪永淼, | 2012 |
125 | 时变信息溢出检验及其在金融市场中的应用 | 管理科学学报 | 陆凤彬, 洪永淼, | 2012 |
126 | 随机波动和跳跃下的短期利率动态 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 郑挺国, 刘金全 | 2012 |
| EI |
127 | 套利者的一致售卖与股市崩溃 | 广东金融学院学报 | 陶可, 陈国进, | 2012 |
128 | 通货膨胀实时预测及菲利普斯曲线的适用性 | 经济研究 | 郑挺国, 王霞, 苏娜, | 2012 |
129 | 投资者面临泡沫的理性行为:抛售、旁观还是骑乘? | 上海经济研究 | 陈国进, 马柯, | 2012 |
130 | 我国股票市场是否存在资产被迫拍卖——基于开放式股票型基金的研究 | 证券市场导报 | 陈国进, 胥爱欢, | 2012 |
131 | 现金流波动、盈利稳定性与公司价值:基于沪深上市公司的实证研究 | 金融研究 | 陈海强, 韩乾, 吴锴 | 2012 |
132 | 信息市场、宏观经济预期与股票收益 | 山西财经大学学报 | 胥爱欢, 陈国进, | 2012 |
133 | 信息市场、预期消费与资产收益变动-基于投资者信息选择行为的研究 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 陈国进, 胥爱欢 | 2012 |
| EI |
134 | 信息市场、预期消费与资产收益——基于投资者的信息选择行为 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 陈国进, 胥爱欢, 赵向琴 | 2012 |
| EI |
135 | 资产价格泡沫研究述评:实验金融学视角 | 经济评论 | 陈国进, 颜诚, | 2012 |
136 | 倡议在两岸股权交易中心增加以人民币计价的台湾期货、期权与公司债券 | 海峡财经 | 洪永淼, 谢沛霖, 赵宏飙 | 2013 |
137 | 基于贝叶斯模型平均(BMA)方法的中国通货膨胀的建模及预测 | 金融研究 | 陈伟, 牛霖琳 | 2013 |
138 | 基于极差的区制转移随机波动率模型及其应用 | 管理科学学报 | 郑挺国, 左浩苗 | 2013 |
139 | 基于金融指标对中国GDP的混频预测分析 | 金融研究 | 郑挺国, 尚玉皇 | 2013 |
140 | 人口结构与房价关系研究 | 经济学家 | 陈国进, 李威, 周洁 | 2013 |
141 | 中国股市泡沫的三区制特征识别 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 陈国进, 颜诚 | 2013 |
| EI |
142 | 中国经济周期的混频数据测度及实时分析 | 经济研究 | 郑挺国, 王霞 | 2013 |
143 | 中国实际利率与通胀预期的期限结构——基于无套利宏观金融模型的研究 | 金融研究 | 曾耿明, 牛霖琳 | 2013 |
144 | 半参数STAR模型的估计和应用 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 蔡楠, 方颖 | 2014 |
| EI |
145 | 国际股票市场价值溢价——基于世界长期风险模型的解释 | 当代财经 | 陈国进, 黄伟斌 | 2014 |
146 | 国家产业政策,资产价格与投资者行为 | 经济研究 | 韩乾, 洪永淼 | 2014 |
147 | 罕见灾难风险和中国宏观经济波动 | 经济研究 | 陈国进, 晁江锋, 武晓利, 赵向琴 | 2014 |
148 | 基于宏观基本面的股市波动度量与预测 | 世界经济 | 郑挺国, 尚玉皇 | 2014 |
149 | 科研人才招聘需要“查三代”吗?——基于16所经济学院教师教育背景和科研绩效的实证研究 | 世界经济文汇 | 王军辉, 傅十和, 洪永淼 | 2014 |
150 | 区域经济周期及其与国家周期的关系研究 | 财贸经济 | 宋涛, 郑挺国 | 2014 |
151 | 稳健性偏好下的资源配置策略和消费行为研究――基于模型误设的情形 | 世界经济 | 李少育, 郑挺国 | 2014 |
152 | 现代经济学的十个理解误区 | 经济资料译丛 | 洪永淼 | 2014 |
153 | 修正的KSS检验及其对中国通货膨胀率的应用 | 系统工程理论与实践 | 蔡必卿, 洪永淼 | 2014 |
| EI |